Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 2014

The last days of May and we have finally seen some warm weather, warm enough to take the car out and have some fun. We took a long drive over the Memorial Day weekend and had lots of waves and thumbs up as always. Since the weather was COLD before Memorial Day I was able to put another coat of wax on ours, and get a polish on the chrome. It really does shine when you get it out in the sun. Even the smallest part of the car, like the headlamp can create quite the photo effect when the sun is shining on it.

So many owners have found the blog and left great comments. With all of the cars that have been found so far, an owner of a Ford Pinto Mini Mark, just shared his cars information. I knew Bremen marketed a Pinto version with an automatic transmission, but never had run across one yet. I must admit the thought of an automatic transmission is appealing, but it probably isn't as much fun as a stick shift!

4th of July and parade days are coming soon, so get your Mini Mark polished up and show it off!


  1. Hello Mini Mark, i have a Brennan Mini Mark that is excellent condition. I am in Southern California. Was wondering if you or any of your Bloggers are interrested in purchasing this vehicle. I can send you pictures and my contact info if you are interested.

  2. Bob, Thank you for the post. If you have pics I would appreciate them. Good luck finding a new owner for yours, hope one of our bloggers can help.
