Sunday, September 21, 2014

Join us now on Facebook

After posting to this blog and not being able to have other owners easily share their experiences and photos I decided to finally start a Facebook page as well on the Bremen Mini Mark.

Just put Bremen Mini Mark in the find box and you should pull it up. I have taken all the photos I have found from owners all over the world and shared them on Facebook and also added some of the marketing literature I have been able to find on the Bremen Mini Mark.

Facebook I hope will also allow owners who want to find a new home for their Bremen Mini Mark to post information and pictures, getting that info to others who are interested in buying this great car.

Give it a look and a LIKE and lets see where it goes!


  1. I have a 1980 bremen minimark, beige removable hard top 1600 cc vw std. trany with wheels and tires mounted on front fenders 12000 miles perfect condition any body interested is for sale 806 935 3700 or ask for eddie

  2. I have a 1980 bremen minimark, beige removable hard top 1600 cc vw std. trany with wheels and tires mounted on front fenders 12000 miles perfect condition any body interested is for sale 806 935 3700 or ask for eddie
